Friday, July 12, 2013

My Journey

   Hey guys! So this will be my first post here on Stephanie Fuentes photography. I decided to make a blog about my photography because I felt that it would benefit me as well as others. I also felt that it was a good way to really get my work out there. 

    I've always loved art and crafts as a kid and loved photos. My parents would always buy me crayons, markers, paper, coloring books, paint sets, you name it! But as a young child my answer to the typical question "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Was constantly changing. It would go from a Veterinarian, to a Marine Biologist (Yeah right!)to a Psychologist to a Forensic Psychologist. Being a psychologist was my main goal during my years in high school and even though at first I went to a two-year community college, Most, if not all my electives, were psychology and sociology classes. During this time I didn't have a camera of my own so I would constantly snag my mom's point and shoot or just use my 3.0 Megapixel cellphone camera. 

      It wasn't until after I took my first psychology course in college where I realized I wanted to be a photographer. I realized that Psychology wasn't for me and was not what I wanted to do. It got to the point where my grades were slipping because I was tired of doing something I didn't want to do. Of course I was still (and still am to this day) interested in the human mind, but I couldn't see myself doing it as career. I found myself leaning towards an art career. I must not take all the credit. First I must thank (even though I hated him) my General Psychology professor. For had it not been for his crappy, rude, obnoxious attitude, I would have not turned away from psychology, but rather tried and pursued it. Next I must be oh so grateful to my fiance Nick. He was one (and maybe the only) who first complimented me on my first "Photo" (pics below-First "photos" taken with my 3.0 Mega-pixel phone camera) 

He really had faith and was the one to ask "Have you ever thought about going into photography or being a photographer? Your pics are nice considering they were taken with a cell phone." Little did he know I did love photography. Since that moment on, photography was my dream. Someone had actually showed support and gave me the push I needed to get started.

 To be honest now, it has not been easy for me to gain confidence in what I love to do. For a very long time I felt stuck and wasn't feeling motivated to do any work. I felt scared and wasn't pushing myself. I was loosing faith in my ability and myself. My fiance felt I should study my craft more and motivate my self by getting up and going out there. He couldn't be more right! I'm so glad I had him (and still do) to push me whenever I'm feeling like I'm loosing grip. And that's the whole importance to doing what you love. Never loose faith and never give up! I let people question what I wanted to do for a career, and I let that and fear stop me for a very long time. It is NOW where I stop all the questioning and fear and just take the leap. I have been inspired by many photographers out there who have taught me so much, including my dear friend Angelo and my soon to be husband. I now do something I love in school and prove that by being an honor student with a 3.7 GPA, on the Deans list and will be graduating in the spring of 2014 with a B.A in Art/Photography. I hope what people get from this is that you should always keep pushing and never give up on what you love. I would love if some of you come and join me on this journey. Good luck and keep shooting. 
                                              -Stephanie- <3